beat365亚洲体育在线Chinese for HSK 4级课程在Coursera平台正式上线
beat365亚洲体育在线 Chinese for HSK 4级课程在Coursera平台正式上线
beat365亚洲体育在线Chinese for HSK系列课程又添新成员:Chinese for HSK 4(陈莉、路云主讲)课程于2018年2月26日在Coursera平台正式上线!
Chinese For HSK系列课程涵盖所有六级水平,主讲教师均来自beat365亚洲体育在线。其中,Chinese for HSK 1(主讲教师:於斌)是全球MOOC平台上第一门HSK(汉语水平考试)课程,2016年10月上线;Chinese for HSK 2(主讲教师:刘立新)2016年12月上线;Chinese for HSK 3 Part I(主讲教师:陈莉、路云)2017年1月上线;Chinese for HSK 3 Part II(主讲教师:陈莉、路云)2017年3月上线。上述四门课程共同组成Learn Chinese: HSK Test Preparation专项课程,面对全世界所有汉语学习者开放。
Learn Chinese: HSK Test Preparation
大家好!Hi, everyone, welcome to join the Chinese for HSK 4 course. We are CHEN Li and LU Yun. Very happy to meet you here!
Chinese for HSK 4 is a 10-week course. It consists of two parts: Part I, which is a 6-week program, covers vocabulary and grammar delivered mainly through dialogues; Part II takes 4 weeks to complete and the foci are exercises and testing strategies.
Chinese for HSK 4 aims at the fourth level of HSK. It is the counterpart of Level 4 of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the B2 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Chinese for HSK 4 includes:
Ø 424 new words for HSK Level 4;
Ø Detailed explanation about 96 key words and grammar points;
Ø Reading and listening materials from the Official HSK test paper;
Ø Words you have learnt in Chinese for HSK 1、2 and 3 for reviewing;
Ø Audio and Visual texts;
Ø Quizzes for each lesson and HSK test papers.